* Who's Who in Llanview: Al Holden | One Life to Live on Soap Central
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Alonzo Holden

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Actor History
Unknown actors
April 1987 to July 1988
Kirk and Robert Raisch
August 1988 to July 1990
Ryan and Sean Buckley
July 1990 to 1991
Evan Bonifant
1991 to 1993
Michael Roman
1993 to 1994
Eddie Karr
Jason Alexander Fischer
1994 to 1997


Born April 30, 1987 in Argentina

Died on September 22, 2003; at 22 years old

Cause of Death

Died from complications from a liver transplant

Other Names

Al (nickname)

Albert Roberts (originally known as)

Alonzo Buchanan (short-term adoptive name)

Former Occupation

College Student

Former Residence

College Dorm Room

Marital Status at Death


Past Marriages



Max Holden (father)

Gabrielle Medina (mother; deceased)

Frankie Holden (paternal half-brother)

Leslie Holden (paternal half-sister)

Wingate Holden (paternal grandfather; deceased)

Patricia Holden Harrison (paternal grandmother; deceased)

Danté Medina (maternal grandfather; deceased)

Julia Wheaton (maternal grandmother)

Steven Holden Sr. (paternal uncle; deceased)

Debra Medina (maternal aunt)

Andrea Harrison (paternal half-aunt)

Steven Holden Jr. (paternal cousin)



Flings & Affairs

Jennifer Rappaport

Marcie Walsh

Crimes Committed

Faked his paralysis to keep Jennifer from leaving him.

Abused drugs in college to keep himself awake.

Set fire to Jennifer's room and framed Natalie.

Brief Character History

Al Holden was first known as Al Roberts thanks to the fact his mother, Gabrielle, gave him to Tina Lord Roberts to pass off as her own son. The truth eventually came out and he was reunited with his father, Max Holden. Al almost became the victim to a hit-and-run by Blair Daimler, but his father's wife, Luna Moody, pushed him out of the way and she became the victim, although she survived. His mother was sent to jail when he was just around 5 years old, so he was raised by his father until the day his mother got out and he decided to live with her.

Al recently returned with bitterness towards his father because during the time he was gone, Max never visited him or helped him and his mother with their financial problems, forcing him to get multiple jobs because no one would hire his mom. Al allowed himself to be adopted by Asa Buchanan, a rich millionaire looking for revenge against Max Holden (Max later requested Asa to reverse the adoption, which he did). Although Al says he doesn't want anything to do with his father, he still has feelings towards him. After Cristian Vega left Jen Rappaport since Keith the hit man was after him, Al and she began "going out." They made love at the quarry and although it was more of a comfort bandage for Jen, it meant a lot to Al. When Cris returned to Jen, he was heartbroken. But Jen later thought she was pregnant. Horrified, she took a test and Lindsay changed the results from negative to positive. Al thought it was his child and was overjoyed.

Cris confronted Al over it and they got into a fight at the quarry. Cris accidentally pushed Al over the edge of a cliff and Al suffered spinal injuries. Because of the damage, Jen decided to stay with Al until he could walk again, since it was partly her fault he was paralyzed because the two were fighting over her. Eventually Jen realized she was not pregnant, but Al still loved her anyway. Recently Al discovered he could walk again, but still faked paralysis, because he knew if he could walk, Jen would leave him for Cristian again. Natalie Balsom discovered him standing up one day and blackmailed him to help her get back her old boyfriend, Seth Anderson.

Later, a college-aged Al started taking drugs in order to keep up with his studies. At the same time, he began a surprising relationship with a girl named Marcie Walsh. With Marcie's help, Al was able to kick his drug habit and the pair fell in love. Tragically, just as their relationship with blossoming, Marcie was attacked after participating in a peace protest and dumped in a dumpster. Although Al rescued her, he caught a disease and became deathly ill. However, Al's love for Marcie was so strong that not even death could stop him. Appearing to Marci in visions, Al saw his chance to be with her when Marcie's friend, Michael McBain died with Marcie present. Seeing another chance, Al's soul entered Michael's body. However, there was a catch -- Marcie believed him to be Michael. That same day, Al's deceased stepmother, Luna, told Al that he only had until Valentine's Day to make Marcie to recognize him. As the months went on, Al got closer to his goal, but then learned that he would lose his memories if he succeeded in getting Marcie to fall in love with Michael.

On Valentine's Day, Marcie finally realized the truth when she saw Al in Michael's eyes. Al then told Marcie that although his spirit had to go to heaven, Michael would have his soul. With Michael and Marcie moving on toward a future together, Al bid his life in Llanview goodbye.

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